



Mulit banking transaction system is a web based application. Which is reduce the time and dificulty to trasfer amount online. The Multi Banking Transaction System Interface is targeted to the future banking solution for the users who is having multiple bank accounts in multiple banks. This interface integrates all existing banks and provides business solutions for both retail and corporate.

Currently we are having lot of banks in the market and any person can do transactions of any individual bank either manually or in online. But no one can do all banks transactions in a single portal or in single bank. This is the main disadvantage in existing system to avoid this problem we are introducing “multi banking system”.

This system acts as a standard interface between the clients and all the banks, By using this portal any client who maintain accounts in various banks can directly log on to Multi Banking System Interface and make any kind of transactions. In the backend, system will take care of the entire obligation required in order to carry on transaction smoothly.

Software Requirement for Deployment
Operating system                     Window xp, Onward, Linux.
Web Browser                            Internet Explorer, google chrome, firefox.
Database                                   oracle10g
Hardware Requirement for Deployment
Processor                       duel core
Ram                               512 mb
HardDisk                       80 gb
KeyBoard                      Any type of keyboard
Mouse                            Any type of Mouse

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